Hey guys,
Hope the new year is going well for all of you! Even if it is proving to be difficult I pray that we all find comfort and guidance through our Lord in both our good times and hard times!
Nonetheless seeing that the new year is here and going swiftly already, I have been making to-do lists, setting goals and digging deep in the word so that I can be diligent!
Therefore, I have set a goal of reading 50 books this year! This is a huge number for me but I think if I set my mind to it I’ll accomplish this goal. It shouldn’t be that hard, since once upon a time I use to read a book a day…adult responsibility tend to take over nowadays!
Anyway, I wanted to share six of those fifty books I plan on reading in 2019 in hopes that you all may find one or two to add to your reading list too.
Okay so here’s my reading list!
Disclosure: This page contains affiliated links which means: that to no added expense to you, I would receive a commission if you click and purchase the item linked.
6 books to read in 2019
My husband and I started to read this book together in 2018, but unfortunately, we didn’t get to finish it because somewhere along the line we forgot about it! You know with busy schedules etc. that is bound to happen somewhere down the road.
This book is definitely one I think any married couple should read and even young singles to prepare them for marriage. It explains that each person has their own love language and as spouses, we need to figure our partner’s language out and learn to speak it to them for a happy and loving relationship.
Obviously, this book explains only a small part of marriage but I think it’s a great help in it all! I will be finishing this book before February (hopefully with my husband).
P.S: this book is for both husband and wives and can be seen from a Christian’s perspective. They also have an individual book for each spouse and for children also, because all humans need love and respect.
Since I picked diligence as my one word for 2019, I have picked a few books to read on the topic. This book is one of them that I found and I’m excited to read it!
It goes through the book of Proverbs to help us serve God better. It is supposed to show us how to stop focusing so much on our personal lives. I’m excited to read it because P
I have seen this book being promoted several different times and decided to add it to my list since last year. However, I didn’t get to it in time so it has moved to my 2019 book list.
Based on the summery and what others have said about the book; it is a great book for all women to read. Young or old, married or single, this book shows women what God really thinks and has to say about us.
Hopefully, it does teach about the lies the world is trying to show us and help us (me) to see myself as God intended.
P.S: The link I listed for this book includes a study guide to use along with reading the book!
Note: Always remember that books are human perspectives and concepts and even though some may be based on God’s teachings, we should always go back to God’s word to confirm and learn for ourselves what God is teaching us personally.

I am totally excited to read this book! It is supposed to have great tips to help with homemaking. I’m hoping to learn a thing or two from reading this book. Since I think homemaking is a continuous job, I’m always looking for new ways to improve my home and I think this book will give me some new inspiration.
This is another book that I selected to read this year because of my
I started reading this book in 2018, but haven’t even gotten through half of it. However, I can tell you all that I have learned a lot already! This book teaches women about our bodies. It explains about fertility, hormones, pregnancy and the difficulties women face with our reproductive systems.
This book definitely has helped me with my natural family planning and educated me on some topics I didn’t have any clue about!
**However, I will say as a disclaimer, I am only recommending this for married and adult women since it mainly speaks about reproduction. As women, I believe we should all be educated on our bodies but parents should decide if their children should read this book.
Also, another disclaimer is that this book isn’t completely a Christian perspective, meaning it talks to all women not just Christians. So there are some statements that won’t line up with Christian beliefs. Nevertheless, it is mainly informative, therefore I am recommending it. I do have some more books I want to read on this topic but will not mention them until I read them to give a better review.
Final thought
I am totally excited to read these books and hopefully complete my goal of reading 50 books this year! I hope you guys find one or two you’ll
Until next time,
yasmin rose xoxo
Yasmin rose