
Good day,


Thank you for visiting Yasmin-rose.com.


I would like to announce that this website contains affiliated links. This means that whenever a product is listed with a link to a store to purchase, I the owner of this website can make a commission from that purchase.


I would like to clarify that this commission does not cause any added expense to you, the buyer. However, I would greatly appreciate any purchases from these links. Also, every product review that I post on this blog is 100% honest. I purchase and/or already own all products mentioned on this blog and will give my honest thoughts to each one whether good or bad.


I hope this disclaimer answers your questions. If there is anything else that you would like to know about affiliate links, please feel free to email me directly via the get in touch page. I will be happy to answer.


Thank you again for visiting Yasmin-rose.com, I look forward to becoming friends with you!


yasmin rose