Acts of kindness that will bring you joy

acts of kindness image

Hey friends,

In today’s world, we tend to stay to ourselves rather than focus on others. We pass off using phones or text messages as proper communication. Even when we want to be friendly or kind to others, we are afraid that we may be deemed as having ulterior motives. Let me ask you when was the last time you smiled at another person walking by you in the grocery store or picked up the phone to call someone you haven’t heard from in a while was? God shows us kindness every day and calls us as Christians to be kind to others.


Therefore, we should try to make it a habit to be kind in every moment of our lives and try to be loving to everyone even strangers or despite how others may act towards you. Seeing the happy reactions from one or two unexpecting people will make a difference in your life. It will motivate you to continue being kind. And you will be happy to know that you are sharing God’s love with others!


Therefore, to help us all be a little kinder, I made a list of easy everyday actions that can make you and the people around joyful!


If you need more info on kindness check out this article.


Acts of kindness 


1. Send a letter to a loved one.

2. Send a bouquet of flowers to a friend.

3. Tell a stranger that they are loved or give them a smile.

4. Invite a stranger into your home for dinner or coffee.

5. Spend meaningful time with a relative.

acts of kindness


6. Bake treats for a neighbor.

7. Offer to help someone carry their groceries etc.

8. Help a mom out with a fussy child.

9. Let the person behind you go ahead of you on a store line.

10. Leave love notes for your kids and spouse.


Final thoughts


Check out my meaningful gift ideas for more inspiration on being kind and loving.


I believe that all of these acts of kindness will alter the recipient’s life by showing a little love to them. It will also bring you happiness by knowing you are giving someone else joy! I encourage you all to think of ways you can show kindness every day. If you have any more ideas, please leave them in the comments below!


Until next time,

yasmin rose xoxo

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