Biblical topics all young women should study

biblical topics all young girls should study

Hey Friends,


The other day I was reminiscing on my teenage years, and one thought that kept coming back was that I wished I had spent more time in the word. I wish I had taken the time to study who God was and who I am. I loved reading the bible, I was top in religious studies at school, and I thought I knew so much about myself and god back then. However, it wasn’t until I finished high school that I started reading more in-depth. I started looking for answers to different questions I had about biblical topics and studying theology.

Maybe a lot of us had a similar experience, we were young and probably didn’t think about many things. I also believe adults are just focused on teaching about salvation and the basics, which is excellent and necessary. However, I believe some of the topics I learned once becoming a young woman would have benefited me much more if I had discovered them a little earlier.

Therefore, I decided to make a list of biblical topics I believe young women should study, based on what I wished I had learned at that stage of life. When I say biblical topics, I am referring to reading the bible and studying it in-depth, not reading or listening to others’ views on those topics. That would come later and especially not recommended for teenage girls and boys to do on their own.


3 Biblical topics young women should study


1. God


This means to study him thoroughly and in-depth. I guess what I am referring to is mostly to read the whole bible. Learn about god in the beginning to the end. I was only ever encouraged to read the gospels (which is necessary) and a few select readings throughout the old testament. However, I think that young people, boys and girls alike should take the time to read the bible thoroughly. It will give them so much more insight into what is really happening and how it all ties together. A lot of young people without guidance from parents do not understand how the whole bible is related!


Maybe study-specific characteristics about god, such as his love, his grace, his ability to be everywhere at once. These topics will help young women learn who their father in heaven is and, in turn, help them to live each day better, serving him and living comfortably.

2. The role of a woman 


I feel like when I say “the role of a woman,” a lot of young women and possibly older ones too would hiss their teeth at me and think I’m trying to put women in a box. However, I do think women have so much more to offer than cooking and child-rearing, and guess what the bible states that very frequently. Therefore, I believe that instead of young women growing up looking at what the world is teaching about women’s roles, we need to encourage our teen girls to read what God has to stay about them and who they are and what they bring to society.


Women like Ruth, Leah, Mary, etc. show us the strength and courage that women have and what being strong godly women would do to the environment around them and for their own lives. An excellent place to start is probably studying the proverbs 31 woman characteristics.


3. Freedom in Christ


I 100% believe that all young girls need to study what it means to be free in Christ. When I was a teenager, I learned about the gospel stories of Jesus. I studied his parables and knew that I was saved. However, did I live my life according to that? Did I live with courage and at peace, knowing that nothing can take my salvation away? I think I didn’t fully understand what my salvation meant….which probably means some young girls today don’t fully understand either. By studying the bible on the topic of salvation, young girls will learn that they can live life with a sense of peace. Instead of worrying if they messed up constantly or if they did something to make God angry at them and someone would be punished. This understanding will help them to serve God better since they will have more time to focus on Him rather than their mistakes.


Final thoughts 

I am still learning about these topics myself. It is a lifetime journey that we all take to grow closer to God. However, I do believe having a better understanding of these topics will better equip young girls to live life fully, which will help them to embrace those crucial years of their lives. I hope that I have been able to encourage or inspire you all in some way today!

If you have any other topics you think young women should study, please leave them in the comments below.

Take care!

Until next time,

yasmin rose x0x0

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