How to enjoy the simple things in life

Blessed Good Friday!

I hope that all of you are enjoying this Easter and taking this time to reflect on Christ’s sacrifice. Today, I decided to take some time to write a list of simple things to enjoy in life. I find that we tend to have more displeasures or pet peeves rather than pleasures. This means that life can be irritating based on the way we look at it because its all about perspective. A while back I had someone tell me that I was quite negative for such a young person. Well, that got to me and helped me to realize that I needed God’s help in changing my perspective on life and the ups and downs that come with it. God helped me to start looking at things as blessings rather than problems or inconveniences, and that is when my life changed!


That is the key, my friends, seeing everything as a blessing. Therefore, I thought that Easter would be the perfect example of This. We could all look at Christ’s death as a horrible and foolish thing that we humans did and in turn have no hope because of it. Or we can do what we Christians have been doing; (and what Christ explained for us to do) looking at His death as the ultimate sacrifice for all of our sins! The latter means we look forward with hope and comfort. These two examples are two drastic differences, imagine if we didn’t look at it as a sacrifice. How sad and devastating do you think our lives would be?


Therefore, to help you see things positively and hopefully bring joy to your lives; I am going to list the examples of blessings that I enjoy in my life!


Simple pleasures in life 


1. Getting caught in the rain


Remember when you were little, and all you wanted to do was run outside when it was raining? What has changed since you’ve gotten older? Nothing really, except you stopped looking at life as an adventure. I remember when I was about ten years old, we were running errands down town when it started to pour (we were in a car at the time). Guess what I saw, peering out my window…a young couple running for shelter under a staircase at our local post office. I thought to myself while I watched the scene unfold that they must be upset! However, to my astonishment, once they got under the staircase, they hugged, kissed and laughed with each other.

I think that this memory stuck with me for so long because what I thought was going to happen didn’t happen at all, the complete opposite did! It reminds me that I could find joy in everything, even the mess ups!

So now, every time I get caught in the rain, I laugh and enjoy the cool water and fresh air!


2. Rain falling outside/ on the roof 


Another thing I notice about the rain is this; if it’s not directly bothering us or stopping our busy schedules, we tend to ignore it. This is unfortunate because it can be so relaxing. Thankfully, Devin helped me to appreciate it because he was the first person to point this out to me! So I ask you to do me a favor, please. The next time it starts to rain, stand still even if it’s just for a minute. Try to listen to the rain hitting the roof, the window or the pavement outside. Think how amazing it is that our world has a way of nurturing its self. Consider how brilliant our God is for making a world like that. Enjoy the sounds, and maybe even open the windows and smell that crisp scent that comes along with rain.

Trust me; you’ll start to appreciate the rain much more and even start to look forward to it!



3. “Overexcited” Children/pets 


How many times do you greet your children/ pets with less enthusiasm than what they are showing you? This isn’t only discouraging to them, but it imbeds that unwanting feeling in your mind. Think about it like this: your kid is 3 or 4 years old, and you’re picking them up from school, they rush over to you screaming “mommy, mommy” while jumping up on you. They might accidentally pull your hair or pinch you in the process and that automatically irritates you, you gently push them to the side and tell them in a some what of a strained voice, “Hi sweetie, how are you?” This behavior shows them that something is wrong or teaches them to be less emotional, which in turn pushes them away from you.


Your kids and pets have that innocent excitement that should be treasured. These are living, breathing and thinking creatures that love you unconditionally and can’t control that love. Embrace it, laugh about it and love them back! We all struggle with this from time to time. For me, it’s my dogs. They tend to nibble at you or scratch when they are greeting you. I could look at this as annoying, but you know what, even though it hurts sometimes I suck it up and love them back (or at least I try to do that).


We are all humans, and I know we all try to show love like this. However, I see this happen too many times with parents and their kids. It just breaks my heart! Then we wonder why kids retreat into a “shell” when they get older. To those parents that love their kid’s unconditionally great job! We can all learn from your examples.


4. Sun rays beaming down on you


I know that I am one person that can say “I do not like the heat!” I totally prefer being cold than being hot and sweaty! However, these past few years, I realized how enjoyable it is to feel the sun on my skin. It is a wonderful feeling that makes me feel alive! We tend to stay cooped up in our cool homes or offices so that we can avoid the heat, which is understandable. Let me ask you this though, is it a struggle to go outside even if its just to walk to you car? Where I am from its quite hot, so yes it use to be a struggle for me! However,  something amazing happened to me one day, I walked outside, lifted my hair up into a ponytail and went about my business. Then suddenly I realized that the sun was hitting my neck…and instead of screaming and running inside for shelter (lol), I actually enjoyed it!


Since then I have pushed myself to go outside often, even when it’s totally hot so that I can feel the sun on my skin. Doing this small action helps me to feel refreshed and awake. Therefore, I encourage you all to do the same some times!


5. Breathing fresh air 


It was a long day on my feet, and I was getting ready to leave work. I got my purse and headed out the door to make my way to my car. Just as I stepped outside, I was hit with a warm sea breeze. Incitenatously, my body reacted, my head felt clear, my skin felt warm and my heart beated faster. It’s incredible to think how such a simple thing can have a positive effect on us. I realized at that moment that the walk that I took almost every day of my life was a beautiful and refreshing path.


I encourage you to take a walk every day, even if it’s just around the backyard. Take in the smells, breathe deeply and enjoy the fresh air that we have all around us.


Fun tip: Check out The Lorax movie for more wake up calls on this topic. Children movies have some serious messages sometimes!


P.S. Unfortunately, some people do not have this luxury anymore, because of our doings. Therefore, this simple pleasure should be held closer to our hearts.

how to enjoy the simple things in life

6. Nature


God has blessed us with so many landscapes and beautiful sceneries to enjoy. Just sitting outside in the backyard, looking at the green grass is miraculous. Nature has a way of soothing the mind and soul. I love going to the beach, standing and staring out at the ocean. Taking in all that I can, and thanking God for giving me the eyes to see his beautiful creation. I am sure there is some natural beauty where ever you are. So I hope you take a few minutes to enjoy it each day!


7. Noisy children/house


Now, I do not have kids of my own, but I do have two active dogs, and two nephews! So, I think I can say kids and pets can make us yearn for peace and quiet. However, the house is only noisy because people are living in it. If it were quiet that would mean no one is home; everyone is boring, or sluggish. Where is the joy of having children and pets that sit around all day, doing nothing? That would mean they have no personality! Enjoy the noise while it lasts, because I think somewhere along the line you’ll have a quiet and empty house!


8. Birds or other natural animal sounds 


Do you hear birds every time you walk outside or crickets at night? Do you live by the sea with the waves rushing in? There are so many little sounds that may become normal to us over time. Even the traffic sounds can be a blessing! After all, those cars are driven by people that are living just like you! Take in the sounds around you, enjoy the blessing of hearing and the blessing of life! It will help you to be a little bit more joyful, at least I think it would!


9. A messy house

A messy home is similar to a noisy home. Do you think kids and pets have time to worry about a mess when they are learning, laughing and living? Remember this when you walk into a messy house, if it were clean that would mean no one would be there! Only “show homes” are spotless all the time. Therefore, embrace the mess and create some of your own while playing with your loved ones!


Final thoughts 


Check out my what I am thankful for post for more inspiration!


Life is full of joyful moments and unexpected pleasures. I ask that you look for them in every moment that life gives you and to enjoy what is given to you, no matter what! I hope that this list will help you all to see things differently! Leave your “simple pleasures” in the comments below!


Until next time,

yasmin rose xoxo



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