Hey guys,
Today I have decided to touch on the topic of how we dress. In today’s world and culture, it is normal to wear clothing that reveals almost every part of our bodies.
However, God desires that we all should, women and men, dress and act modestly in every part of our lives. I want to take this time to share some tips and pointers for dressing modestly while staying stylish. I also made a checklist for the essentials of a modest wardrobe. So, be sure to download this free printable to keep track of your modest clothing collection!
Modest Wardrobe Essentials
Before I dive in I want to give a little disclaimer:
I do feel that there is some controversy and misunderstanding when the word modesty is used. Therefore, I would like to say before I go into my opinions that I in no way think that I am a fashion expert. Nor do I feel that I am perfect when it comes to dressing modestly or anything for that matter and I do know that others have the right to their dress style and lifestyle. This post is not supposed to hurt others or judge them in any way.
With that being said, I hope that I can help you guys with dressing modestly and inspire you to strive to live a happier, simpler and godly life.
Bible verses on modesty
It is always important to know why you do something before you start doing it. Therefore, I will list some bible verses that can shed some light on the topic of dressing and acting modestly and hopefully it can answer that “why” question some of you may have.
Proverbs 29:23 (NIV)
23 Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor.
1 Timothy 2:8-10 (NIV)
8 Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. 9 I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
As we can see the scriptures show us that God is not interested in how we look or what expensive things we have. He is instead interested in our hearts, the way we act in life, the honor we show to our bodies, to others and Him. I suggest you guys pray and meditate on what these verses are supposed to mean to you since the bible can be telling each of us something different.
How to dress modestly
First off let’s look at some guidelines on how to dress modestly.
- Look for more loose-fitting clothing. Try to avoid tight bottoms and blouses. Rule of thumb is not to wear anything that shows the full shape of any part of your body such as; rear, bust, and chest.
- Wear thicker/ longer sleeves and bottoms. Try to avoid strapless/ spaghetti strap blouses. Use those for layering outfits. Instead, opt for sleeves that cover the shoulders. For bottoms (pants, skirts, dresses) my rule of thumb is to wear things that are no more than 2″- 3″ above the knees for both men and women.
- When it comes to makeup and hairstyles, I like to keep it simple. I think wearing makeup is fine but try to avoid colors that you feel may bring a lot of attention to you. For hair; I do not see any problem with dying it different colors, but I do think you should opt for more tasteful ponytails or buns instead of flashy hairstyles.
- For swimsuits opt for loose fitting/full body suits like this one
. Men can wear a shirt and swim trunks.
- For shoes and other accessories such as purses, sunglasses, and jewelry you can use the same guideline as for makeup. Try to avoid flashy or bright colored pieces that may bring attention to you or give the wrong impression.
- Colors should suit your style. Just keep in mind that we all think of colors to symbolize other things. For example, I like to wear all black, but sometimes that may come off as sad or distant. Just gauge the environment and the occasion you are dressing for and try to pick colors accordingly.
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Tips for dressing modestly while staying stylish
Now that we covered the guidelines for dressing modestly, we can cover some tips on how to stay stylish. I know that a lot of times the word “modest” can be associated with frumpy or old- fashion. This is not true; we can all dress modestly and still look well put together.
1. Have hair and face groomed
This is essential in looking put together and well dressed. Your face is the first thing people look at, so it is good to look awake and like you put effort into getting dressed for the day.
Always remember to brush hair and style it before leaving the house. Something I admire my husband for is that he never leaves the house without combing and styling his hair. For a man, I think that is a really good habit.
It does not need to be anything fancy; you can do what I do and brush your hair back in a slick bun/ponytail. You can curl your hair a couple of times a week if you desire. Try the no heat method of using Bantu knots overnight, you can go on youtube and type “overnight Bantu knot curls,” and I’m sure you’ll find a tutorial.
For your face, grooming can mean washing it, grooming your eyebrows or putting on makeup. For me, I usually make sure I have my eyebrows groomed, eyelashes done and some lipstick on. I think that it is a pretty simple routine since I’m in and out of the bathroom in no time.
2. Pick the right style of clothing
We all have different body shapes and sizes. Therefore, we should dress in the garments that looks the best on us. This can mean not wearing a particular fashion trend because it just doesn’t suit you. This is not a bad thing; it simply shows that we are more involved in what we put on.
For example, I do not think peplum styled blouses look the best on me, so I do not try to buy them. We should all know what we feel best in, so go with your feelings and decide that you won’t waste time on that kind of clothing.
3. Tuck in blouse/shirt
Instead of wearing a t-shirt or blouse hanging over your bottoms, try tucking it in entirely or only in the front. It can make an outfit look neat and tidy and give it a little style. It shows the world that you took some effort in getting dressed this morning and gives you a more flattering silhouette.
4. Wear accessories
Try to put on some accessories before leaving the house to give your outfit a little bit more style. I know that I can not leave the house without earrings in my ears! I feel like I look so much more put together with them, even if they are simple knobs. Try to pick a set of universal accessories that is easier to mix and match with all your outfits. A list of accessories that you may want to add to your wardrobe are earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, and a stylish watch. Remember to try to avoid flashy pieces of jewelry.
5. Wear cologne/perfume
I know that this isn’t necessary and probably not considered a fashion piece, but I think that perfume is that little touch that brings your appearance entirely together. Soft scents are vital with wearing perfume; you do not want it to be too overbearing.
Final thoughts
Well, that is about it for all of my tips for dressing modestly while staying stylish. I hope that I helped with any questions or obstacles you guys may have on this topic. Remember that dressing modestly isn’t just for our reputation but to give honor to God.
Also, it is important to remember that being modest doesn’t just mean dressing a certain way; we must strive to bring modesty in all of our actions and personality.
If any of you have questions or more tips or opinions on this topic, please leave them in the comments below!
Until next time,
yasmin rose xoxo