How to find joy through God

how to find joy through God

Hey friends,  I remember reading an article several years ago on the difference between joy and happiness. At the time, I thought they were the same thing! However, in the article it stated that joy and happiness are different; in that joy comes from knowing the great power and mercy of God. Happiness, on the […]

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20+ words for your Bible word study

one word bible study

Hey friends, I recently posted a how-to guide on creating your own Bible study. However, I know that a lot of you out there may still be unsure of where to start in your walk with God or do not have the time to create a complete Bible study right now. Therefore, I thought it would […]

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How to create your own bible study

how to create your own bible study

Hey friends,  Are you guys still studying your one word for 2019? We are already into the fifth month of the year! So I know that it may be difficult for y’all to stay persistent with it, at least that’s true for me. Maybe some of you haven’t even picked a word for 2019. Guess […]

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Intentional ways to love your spouse

Hey friend, I can not believe its May already! Where does the time go? I hope that this month is serving you all well. Recently, I realized that I should show my husband that I love him more by intentionally looking for ways to bring happiness to his life. I know I have a lot […]

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4 Books I am reading

books I am reading

Hey friends, How’s it going? I hope all is well with you! I thought that I should talk a little bit about the books I am reading and planning on reading soon! Maybe you’ll find some fun or inspiring books in the mix. I’ve been thinking of doing some reviews on books. I’ll see how […]

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Mother’s Day gift ideas

mothers day gift ideas

Hey friends, Since mother’s day is just around the corner, I wanted to share some gift ideas with you guys. I think that we should give gifts that are meaningful and thoughtful. Instead of buying the latest gadget or newest fashion piece, I rather spend time with that person, do something for them that can […]

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