Games to play at family game night

Hey guys,  Today, I decided to list a few games that my family and I enjoy playing at family game night! These games are great for the whole family, and some of them are even biblically sound. I hope that this list inspires you to have family game nights of your own, and if you […]

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Five tips to combat your sick days

Five days to combat your sick days

Hey friends,  How’s life treating you? For me, everything seems to be rolling right back into place, and I am getting a lot of work done! I am so excited to see how this month will continue to play out. I hope that it is serving you well too. However, for those that are having […]

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I am back!

Hey guys,   Wow! It has been a long time since we’ve chatted…I know, I know..It’s all my fault, I’ve been off the radar for a few months. Nevertheless, I am back now and will try to make my absence up. Therefore, first off let me take this time to say that I have missed […]

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6 Books to read in 2019

6 books to read in 2019

Hey guys, Hope the new year is going well for all of you! Even if it is proving to be difficult I pray that we all find comfort and guidance through our Lord in both our good times and hard times! Nonetheless seeing that the new year is here and going swiftly already, I have […]

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My one word for 2019

my one word for 2019 is diligence

Hey guys, So I completely neglected this blog for the whole month of December because of my busy schedule. Devin and I are in the middle of a big personal project that I will tell you guys about soon! However, I should try to write at least one post before the new year. Therefore, I […]

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What I am thankful for…

what I am thankful for

Hey guys,   This year for Thanksgiving I decided to share a list of the things I am thankful for with you all. If you guys want to share what you are grateful for, be sure to leave them in the comments below or shoot me an email! I would love to hear from you guys […]

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Healthy holiday eating tips

healthy holiday eating tips

Hey guys,   Well its that time of year again, when we have so much fun, eat delicious food and spend time with the ones we love. All of this is great except for the fact that we all seem to gain some weight or slip up on our healthy living routine.   Well, I have […]

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