Life as we know it is over

life as we know it is over

LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS OVER   In recent years, more than ever, we have all seen a loss of culture and beliefs. The integration of different values, the expansion of the generation gap (especially in the western world), and the failure to pass down ancestral philosophy is the cause. This decline has been […]

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What two years of marriage taught me

lessons learned in two years of marriage

Hey guys,   Devin and I recently celebrated our second anniversary! Even though we have many years to enjoy and grow together, I realized that I’d grown a lot myself in these past two years. I am not the stubborn and quick-witted girl I use to be. God has worked in me through this marriage to make me more loving, […]

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Zero waste essentials

zero waste essentials

Hey guys, I think that it is a bit obvious that I do care about the environment and I hope that I have expressed that I am thoughtful when it comes to what I purchase. Normally, I try to avoid buying items that I can not use often or items that will be thrown out […]

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Bible study essentials

bible study essentials

Hey guys, I have been updating my Bible study routine and collecting new tools that have helped me to grow in my time in God’s word. I want to share my method, tools, and tips with you guys in hopes to inspire you all to find ways to grow your spiritual journey too.   Let’s […]

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Modest Wardrobe Essentials and tips

Hey guys, Today I have decided to touch on the topic of how we dress. In today’s world and culture, it is normal to wear clothing that reveals almost every part of our bodies.   However, God desires that we all should, women and men, dress and act modestly in every part of our lives. […]

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5 Must try Meaningful gift ideas

Hey guys, Since September and October starts the gift-giving season for me, I needed to figure out what I would do for all of the events coming up. I believe that we shouldn’t spend a bunch of money on gifts of the latest gadgets and current fashion trends because they are just feeding consumerism. So […]

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