Peace Bible Study (A word study)

peace bible study

Hey friends, This is the third one-word bible study on the blog. Last month I posted a one-word bible study on the word Grace. This month, I will be posting one on the word peace. I think this is a timely word for myself and the world, with all of the craziness that is going […]

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How to find joy through God

how to find joy through God

Hey friends,  I remember reading an article several years ago on the difference between joy and happiness. At the time, I thought they were the same thing! However, in the article it stated that joy and happiness are different; in that joy comes from knowing the great power and mercy of God. Happiness, on the […]

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20+ words for your Bible word study

one word bible study

Hey friends, I recently posted a how-to guide on creating your own Bible study. However, I know that a lot of you out there may still be unsure of where to start in your walk with God or do not have the time to create a complete Bible study right now. Therefore, I thought it would […]

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