Top homemaking products that will save you time

top homemaking products that will save you time

Hey friends,

When you become a wife, you take on many roles. Two such roles that will most likely start right away are being in charge of feeding your household and keeping it clean. If that is true for you, and your husband is the breadwinner in the house, all of the chores and cooking will be left to you. Even if your husband helps when he can, it still can get overwhelming at times!

For example, I have always loved to clean and organize. However, I have a difficult time trying to cook. Therefore, I jumped right into the cleaning part but the cooking… not so much. But I have grown and learned and gotten better at my duties.

So I am here today to tell all new wives, almost to be new wives and even seasoned wives that there are ways to make your jobs easier during the day. I am going to list my favorite products that have made a huge difference in my life and helped me to succeed in my wifely roles.

If you want to check these tips and products out… keep reading!


Homemaking products & tips that will save you time


Disclosure: This page contains affiliated links which means: that to no added expense to you, I would receive a commission if you click and purchase the item linked. 


Cleaning products 


1. Cordless vacuum

 This vacuum has been a life saver for me! As some of you may know, I have a German shepherd dog. German shepherd’s shed like crazy, so my house, clothes, car and myself can easily become giant balls of fur if I do not stay on top of all cleaning. Getting this vacuum has allowed me to quickly make a once over when tidying up in the day without any hassle. It has great suction and the battery lasts pretty long (meaning I can clean my whole house without the battery dying). Also, it isn’t heavy and can maneuver in tight areas.



2. Steam Mop

I bought this mop because I totally dislike using traditional mops to clean my floors. They get smelly and I feel like they do not clean how I want them too. This steam mop solved my problems! You plug it into the wall outlet, place a pad on the bottom of it and add water to the bottle. It uses steam to clean up and sanitize the floors.

**Note: I never used these on wood or laminated flooring, only tiles so I do not know how the heat and water would affect them. I saw mixed reviews from people who did use it on wood/laminate flooring so I would suggest checking it out for yourself before purchasing just in case.


3. Duster

Since I use a vacuum cleaner instead of a regular broom, I have to find something to get those hard to reach areas and those cobwebs in the ceiling corners. This duster is extra long for high ceilings. Dusters get the job done and are easy to use. So cleaning isn’t so time-consuming anymore.




4. Essential oil diffuser

I love to have my house smelling fresh. I tried different air freshers throughout my life to achieve my goals. However, for the past view years, I have been more conscious of what products I use and how they impact the environment. Therefore, I decided to stop using the canned air fresheners and started using essential oils. This essential oil diffuser lasts for hours, misting out whatever essential oil you want. These also are helpful to fight colds/flu by using eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil to disinfect the air. Its healthier for you and the environment, while still giving you a clean fresh smell to your house!


top productivity products that will save you time



Kitchen products 


1. Instant pot

This pot has been a lifesaver when it comes to cooking! A fun fact about me…I am not the best at making rice (even though it seems to be simple). Therefore, I love that this pot makes perfect rice in minutes and  much more. Its a crockpot, pressure cooker and you can even bake cakes in there. I never used it to do that but still, that’s pretty cool. I use my instant pot for quick soups along with pot roast etc and my husband seems to like it to sautee when he cooks. I would say this is definitely an essential for the kitchen.


2. Programmable coffee maker

My husband is a fan of coffee along with tea. He likes to have his coffee first thing in the morning and have a small breakfast/or snack later. Therefore, having a coffee machine in my home is necessary. I like this type of coffee machine because it is programmable. This programmable feature is handy for times when you know you won’t be able to make your husband’s coffee. Examples of this can be waking up to tend to children when he has to get ready for work or he has to wake up extra early for some reason. All you have to do is put the coffee and water in from the night before and set the time you want it to brew. It will take care of the rest (oh make sure you set the cup there too)!

I would like to say that my husband is capable of making his own coffee and does more often than not. I just think this is a nice act I can perform to show him I love him. I am sure all husbands probably would feel the same!




Here are some tips that can help with homemaking:



  • Set a menu plan for the week ahead. I like to do this every Saturday since I go to the food store on the weekends. This way you can decide what you need to buy and prepare ahead of time.


  • Set aside a day specifically for cleaning the house. I know that this may not work for everyone but I find that it helps me. I choose one day out of the week that isn’t busy and clean away. I find that this is productive because I know I can get everything done that’s on my cleaning list. I do tidy up throughout the week but this day is for deep cleaning, washing clothes, etc.


  • Set a time for dinner every day. This will help you with organizing your time to plan and prepare the food. I know that I want dinner on the table by 6 every evening. Therefore, depending on the meal I am making, I plan my week and days so that I have enough time to cook to meet my meal time.


Final thoughts


Homemaking has been an exciting and fulfilling part of my life. I feel grateful to God that he would give me this role in my husband’s life. I try to strive to be the wife that God and my husband would want me to be. I do have my rough days and my good days but the point is at the end of the day, I am a wife and I get to steward God’s love to one of His own.

I encourage all wives and soon to be wives to practice God-honoring homemaking. I study Proverbs 31:10-31 mainly for this type of training. Also, I think it is a blessing to have older women mentor us in these roles. They help with so much and have some fun tricks and tips of their own. If you all have any tips of your own please leave them in the comments below. We can all use some encouragement and help along the way!


Until next time,

yasmin rose xoxo


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