Five tips to combat your sick days

Five days to combat your sick days

Hey friends, 

How’s life treating you? For me, everything seems to be rolling right back into place, and I am getting a lot of work done! I am so excited to see how this month will continue to play out. I hope that it is serving you well too. However, for those that are having a rough time, hang in there, it will all get better. I have a quick encouraging post from last week that I think might help you, I talk about God’s grace and compassion in it. If you do read it, please let me know if it helped! In the end, whatever you may be going through I encourage you always to remember you can find comfort in our Lord.


Today, I am going to give some more encouragement. I realized as of late that an encouraging word from a friend could mean so much in your weakest moments. I found this out a few months ago; you know when I was nowhere to be found on here? Well, let me tell you, it wasn’t the easiest (or hardest) thing I probably went through.


Before Devin and I started to get into fixing up our home, we both got sick within days of each other. That was about the beginning of December. Despite that, we still had to jump right into renovations, etc, which isn’t the best thing to do when under the weather. We got better, kind of, when something must have irritated Devin’s skin to the point that he seemed like he was going to lose his mind. Thankfully that went away, but then with the weather being strange and all the dust and whatever, we got sick again. I don’t think we ever really was 100% after the first round, but it wasn’t good anyway. Let me remind you, this was all during renovations pushing on.


That would seem to be a bit of a downer, and I know that in the moment it could look like the worse thing ever. However, God was working in me that whole time! I believe my faith got a little stronger and my patience a bit better and therefore, I feel renewed after such a strange few months.


Nevertheless, sick days (whether for you or your family) are not easy. You feel weak, terrible and probably grumpy, and if it’s your husband or child that’s the sick one, you probably feel the same way! Well, that’s what I am here to touch on a little bit today! Sick days and how to combat them. No, I won’t be talking about a special medicine that’s a cure all but instead biblical encouragement that’s the best medicine!


Well, without any further rambling, let’s jump into my tips to combating your sick days!


Disclaimer: I am referring to common illnesses like the cold or flu. While I still think that there can be some encouragement from this post for more “serious” illnesses, I would like to point out that they weren’t in mind while I was writing this post. Therefore, I do not want to nor tried to come off as inconsiderate or downplay other illnesses.


Tips to combating your sick days


1. Rest

Mark 6:31 (NIV)

31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”


These words spoken be Jesus puts everything into perspective. Our savior, who had such an important job knew that he needed rest! Let me remind you that when God was making the universe, he rested on the seventh day too! On both occasions, God shows us that we must take time to rejuvenate ourselves. That may be the cause of the flu anyway; the body is run down.

It is an excellent mindset to keep on going, but I ask that you, please take the time when necessary to rest your body and mind as our Father did. It will serve you and your family well! You’ll heal faster and clear your mind too. So when you get better, you’ll be able to jump right back into this crazy thing called life.



2. Be patient

Romans 12:12 (NIV)

12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.


Being patient goes along with resting. If you’re anything like me (who needs to work on being patient) resting while getting better can be the hardest thing to do. It may take longer than you want or life can seem to speed up while you’re laying around, doing nothing. Your mind seems to focus on the “bad” things when we have nothing to do. Therefore, I encourage you to remember this scripture when you’re in those moments. Be patient, pray and be joyful!



3. Pray

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

See, this scripture says it all. I just said to be patient, and pray. When you pray, ask God for peace of mind, strength to recuperate well and guidance to know what to do. Being sick can put you in a bad place mentally also. The devil tends to target us when we are weak. Therefore, pray for God to protect you from the devil and to help you to stay focused on the truth. So that you do not get caught up in the lies that this world can feed you. I am talking about things like “I’m a terrible mother, I can’t even take care of my family, I’m so unhealthy I get sick so often.” Those thoughts are all negative and untrue. We are all human and have times when our body gets sick! That’s where God comes in to rescue you from that negative thinking.


4. Read the Bible

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
“Lean not on your own understanding.” That is a powerful statement, especially in today’s world. We tend to have an answer for everything. We try to find out why and how answers for every illness, accident, etc. However, as Christians, these humanly understandings are not enough sometimes. I’m not disputing the knowledge that we have; I am saying that man is a human and can not give the final say. So when you are in doubt, scared or overwhelmed, go to the Bible. Ask God to guide you, to provide you with the answers if it is his will and to protect you. Staying in the word will give you the foundation that you need to overcome those scary moments when life feels lost.

5. Stay joyful 

Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

22 A cheerful heart is good medicine,
But a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


Stay joyful! That’s easier said than done, am I right? I know that its hard for myself to stay joyful when I am feeling sick. I could get grumpy, so this is more for myself than for you. Is it only me, or when you stay negative and cranky, it seems to take longer to heal? I think that our minds focus too much on the negative aspects to see the good that is happening. So I encourage you and myself to try to stay joyful, look at everything as a new oppuntity or blessing. This way we will all get better super fast.


Final thoughts 


I truly believe that these scriptures and truths can help all of us when we are down and out, feeling sick or spent mentally. I hope that they serve you well whenever life takes a toll on you or your loved ones. If you have any scriptures that’s encouraging in your weakest moments, please leave them in the comments below. We can all benefit from them in some way or another. that’s all for now, may God bless you.


Until next time,

yasmin rose xoxo




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