Peace Bible Study (A word study)

peace bible study

Hey friends, This is the third one-word bible study on the blog. Last month I posted a one-word bible study on the word Grace. This month, I will be posting one on the word peace. I think this is a timely word for myself and the world, with all of the craziness that is going […]

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Five ideas to intentionally share love

five ways to intentionally share love

Hey friends, It is February and we all know what that means! Advertising upon advertising for romantic getaways, loving gifts, etc that a lot of people focus on for that one day, February 14th… All of that stuff is fine and wonderful, but instead of just getting caught up in the hype of one day, […]

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How to overcome disputes in marriage

how to overcome disputes in marriage featured image

Hey friends, I hope that June is serving you all well! We took Mila (one of my furry friends) to the beach for the first time. It was a blast for her and us to see her have so much fun. And guess what? She wasn’t even afraid to jump in and swim! Sometimes I wish I […]

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Intentional ways to love your spouse

Hey friend, I can not believe its May already! Where does the time go? I hope that this month is serving you all well. Recently, I realized that I should show my husband that I love him more by intentionally looking for ways to bring happiness to his life. I know I have a lot […]

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What two years of marriage taught me

lessons learned in two years of marriage

Hey guys,   Devin and I recently celebrated our second anniversary! Even though we have many years to enjoy and grow together, I realized that I’d grown a lot myself in these past two years. I am not the stubborn and quick-witted girl I use to be. God has worked in me through this marriage to make me more loving, […]

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