“Trust” Bible Study (A word study)

trust bible study

Hey friends,

This is the fourth one-word bible study on the blog. Last month I posted a one-word bible study on the word Peace. It proved to be appropriate for the situation that we have been facing. In light of this ongoing crisis, I decided to interchange the last two words on my one-word bible study list. Instead of studying the word “Love”, I think it would be better and much more enlightening to study the word “Trust” for the month of April.


I believe we all need to find some trust in our Father in Heaven as this crisis continues to unfold. I know that it has been scary, worrying and overwhelming for all of us. Therefore, I encourage you to read these verses each day for this month and find comfort in our Lord.


Also, since Easter is fast approaching, it reminds us of all of the amazing gifts that Christ has given us. We do not need to worry about these earthly problems, because we have eternal life with God. We can look forward to the future with joy because we know that one day we will be in heaven where there is no pain or suffering. That is a wonderful promise!


Now, let’s get into these verses!


Here are a few points to refresh you on this monthly segment:


For the one-word studies that I will be posting on here, I have picked five words to start with from the 20+ words for bible study list that I shared here.


  1. Courage
  2. Grace
  3. Peace
  4. Love
  5. Trust


For the word studies, I will be looking up the definition, synonyms/antonyms, and verses best associated with the words. That way, you will be able to read the Bible verses with ease. I will also try to find some helpful resources such as commentaries, etc. on the topic.

Now that we are all caught up, let’s get into the “Trust” word study!


Trust Bible study 






  • assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
  • one in which confidence is placed
  • dependence on something future or contingent



  • Confidence
  • Assurance


  • Doubt


I only put 31 scriptures to cover one month’s worth of bible study. If you would like to read more scriptures on the words or synonyms/ antonyms, just click on the link to the concordance to find more scriptures! Also, the book of Psalms and the book of Job are great to read when studying to have trust in God.



Trust Bible study printable


Exodus 14:31(NIV)

Numbers 20:12(NIV)

Deuteronomy 9:23(NIV)

2 Kings 17:14(NIV)

Job 8:14(NIV)

Psalm 4:5(NIV)

Psalm 9:10(NIV)

Psalm 13:5(NIV)

Psalm 20:7(NIV)

Psalm 22:4(NIV)

Psalm 25:1(NIV)

Psalm 31:14(NIV)

Psalm 33:21(NIV)

Psalm 37:3(NIV)

Psalm 62:10(NIV)

Psalm 118:8 (NIV)



Psalm 71:5(NIV)

Jeremiah 17:7(NIV)

Ephesians 3:12(NIV)

Hebrews 4:16(NIV)

Hebrews 10:19(NIV)

Hebrews 11:1(NIV)

Hebrews 13:6(NIV)

1 John 5:14(NIV)



Job. 24:22(NIV)

1 Timothy 3:13(NIV)

Hebrews 10:22(NIV)



Matthew 14:31(NIV)

Matthew 21:21(NIV)

Matthew 11:23(NIV)

James 1:6(NIV)


trust bible study

Resources on trust:

Be confident by Warren Wiersbe 

Following God with all your heart by Elizebeth George


Sources I used for this Bible study:

Merriam-Webster dictionary


Blue letter bible concordance 


Final thoughts 


For more help on Bible studies check out my other posts:


How to create your own Bible study

Bible study essentials


I pray that this bible study will help you in some way to find trust and confidence in God. We must remember that He knows what needs to happen in all of our lives. I encourage you all to lean on Him in these uncertain times!


Until next time,

yasmin rose xoxo

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